Privacy policy.


Hackney Circle is committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring that your personal data is handled securely. This Privacy Statement explains how we collect, use, and protect your personal information.

Why do we collect data?

We collect and handle data to:

  • help deliver Hackney Circle services and to conduct communications with members that are part of our service. For example, notifying you about upcoming events and activities

  • stay in contact with you and to delivery you information about our services and the activities of our cultural and community partners

  • provide information to you about things we feel are appropriate and important in relation to Hackney Circle and our services.

  • assess the performance of Hackney Circle, to capture feedback and understand how we can improve the service we deliver

In becoming a member with Hackney Circle you give us your consent to process your data, you have a right to withdraw your consent whenever you want to. See below on how to do this.

Do we share your data?

When supporting members in attending bookings and/or referrals there may be occassions when we need to share data with the associated cultural and community partners to enable them to support our members in accessing their service. In these cases we make sure that the sharing is reasonable, is in line with data protection law, and respects your rights.

When we work with third parties that support us with research and improving our services we make all data anonymous to ensure that individuals cannot be identified.

On occasion, we are required to share data for a reason that outweighs an individual’s right to privacy. For example:

  • to protect someone who is vulnerable or at risk

  • to help detect and prevent fraud and crime

We will never share your information if it is not legal to do so and will always consider your rights, and whether there is another way of achieving our aim, before doing so.

Holding and keeping your data safe

Your data will be held for no longer than 2 years after Hackney Circle ceases delivering its service. We keep data safe by using database products that require secure log-ins. Access to which is restricted by the Mortar Works Ltd development team.

  • Mortar Works Ltd uses DigitalOcean LLC to host data for Hackney Circle

  • Data centers used to store data are accredited to ISO 27001 as a minimum

  • All data is encrypted at rest by default

  • All access to the system is encrypted in transit

What are your rights associated with your data?

You have the right to be informed about what data we process about you, for what reasons, who we share it with, how long we will do this for, your rights, and how to complain. This notice is part of us informing you of this.

You have a right to access information we hold about you. This information can be found on your ‘member profile’ and you can access this through the platform by logging in using your mobile phone. This is where you may update and correct incorrect or incomplete information.

You can also request to receive this information by sending a request by emailing: Please put ‘Information Access Request’ as the subject of your email. You may also request that we delete your member profile. If you wish for us to delete your member profile send a request by emailing Please put ‘Deletion of Member Account’ as the subject of your email.

Who to contact about data protection

You can email Mortar Works Ltd if you have any queries about your data:

For independent advice about data protection, privacy and data sharing issues, you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) at:

Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane